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10k >>  
4名無しさん@えむちゃん:2024/05/06(月) 19:37:53 ID:???
10k >> The cheapest places to live in Switzerland
6馬糞頭、これどうすんの?:2024/03/17(日) 12:56:08 ID:???

2023年(令和5年) 無職、馬糞頭47歳
2022年(令和4年) 無職、馬糞頭46歳
2021年(令和3年) 無職、馬糞頭45歳
2020年(令和2年) 無職、馬糞頭44歳
2019年(令和元年・平成31年) 無職、馬糞頭43歳
2018年(平成30年) 無職、馬糞頭42歳
2017年(平成29年) 無職、馬糞頭41歳
2016年(平成28年) 無職、馬糞頭40歳
2015年(平成27年) 無職、馬糞頭39歳
2014年(平成26年) 無職、馬糞頭38歳
2013年(平成25年) 無職、馬糞頭37歳
2012年(平成24年) 無職、馬糞頭36歳
2011年(平成23年) 無職、馬糞頭35歳
2010年(平成22年) 無職、馬糞頭34歳
2009年(平成21年) 無職、馬糞頭33歳
2008年(平成20年) 無職、馬糞頭32歳
2007年(平成19年) 無職、馬糞頭31歳
2006年(平成18年) 無職、馬糞頭30歳
2005年(平成17年) 無職、馬糞頭29歳
2004年(平成16年) 無職、馬糞頭28歳
2003年(平成15年) 無職、馬糞頭27歳
2002年(平成14年) 無職、馬糞頭26歳
2001年(平成13年) 無職、馬糞頭25歳
2000年(平成12年) 無職、馬糞頭24歳
1999年(平成11年) 無職、馬糞頭23歳
1998年(平成10年) 無職、馬糞頭22歳
1997年(平成9年) 無職、馬糞頭21歳
1996年(平成8年) 無職、馬糞頭20歳
1995年(平成7年) 無職、馬糞頭19歳
10k >> The cheapest places to live in Switzerland
5Appenzell Innerrhoden:2024/03/17(日) 00:16:19 ID:???
Located in the east of the country, Appenzell Innerrhoden may just be
the cheapest place to live in Switzerland. Residents of this small
canton are said to enjoy the highest levels of post-tax disposable
income. As such, you can expect low real estate prices. In fact, a house
costs around CHF 780,000 to CHF 1,306,000 to buy. Meanwhile, an
apartment rental costs, on average, CHF 1,100 to CHF 2,552/month.
Additionally, low tax rates, social security payments, and compulsory
health insurance mean that residents keep more of their income.
Although it is a very picturesque area, Appenzell Innerrhoden is very
rural. So while residents of the canton enjoy hiking the verdant Alpine
hills and twee villages, it’s not exactly an economic powerhouse. And,
with a foreign population that amounts to about only 10%, it’s not the
best choice for expats, either. That said, if you are able to work
remotely and love spending time in the great outdoors, then it might be
an appealing option. 
10k >> The cheapest places to live in Switzerland
4Glarus:2024/03/17(日) 00:15:03 ID:???
Unlike Uri, though, the canton of Glarus has plenty of economic
opportunities. As such, many leading companies in the fields of
mechanical and electric engineering, construction, and food and
environmental technology are located in the area. Furthermore, the
canton’s location in the heart of Switzerland means that residents of
Glarus can easily get to Zurich and its international airport. Its
relatively young population, of which around 25% are foreign-born, also
makes it a more expat-friendly option.  
10k >> The cheapest places to live in Switzerland
3Glarus:2024/03/17(日) 00:13:56 ID:???
Like Uri, Glarus enjoys many of the same financial benefits of lower-cost
housing and modest tax rates. As a result, it is also often named the
cheapest place to live in Switzerland. Because of its relative
affordability, apartment rentals here are around CHF 1,500 to CHF 3,000/month.
And, if you want to buy, you can expect to spend around CHF 300,000 to
CHF 800,000 on an apartment or CHF 400,000 to CHF 900,000 on a house.
However, utilities for an 85-square-meter apartment are, on average,
about CHF 150.
Similarly, a three-course meal for two will set you back around CHF110.
Because of this, the cost of living may be slightly higher than other
“cheap” places to live in the country. This is somewhat mitigated,
however, by the fact that Glarus residents have a relatively higher
freely disposable income value and enjoy tax benefits.  
10k >> The cheapest places to live in Switzerland
2Uri:2024/03/17(日) 00:12:35 ID:???
The canton of Uri is consistently making the cut as the cheapest place
to live in Switzerland. Its comparatively cheap property costs are, of
course, a big draw. However, the canton also offers relatively low tax
rates. For example, there is no upper limit for tax deductions for the
cost of childcare. Commuters can also enjoy unlimited tax deductions.

And while health insurance can be expensive in Switzerland, you can
enjoy low insurance premiums in Uri. The country-wide hike levied in
2017 amounted to less than 3% in the canton. This German-speaking canton
is one of Switzerland’s oldest and enjoys a low unemployment rate; this
was just 1% in 2018. That said, there isn’t that much to do here and
there aren’t that many expats. In 2016, for instance, there were only
4,295 foreign residents in the canton.  
10k >> The cheapest places to live in Switzerland
1Switzerland:2024/03/17(日) 00:10:25 ID:???
The most recent survey found that for families, the cheapest places to
live in Switzerland are the cantons of Valais, Jura, and Fribourg. This
is due to the fact that these cantons make plenty of allowances,
subsidies, and tax deductions for families and childcare. Commuter hubs
such as Uri, Glarus, and Graubünden also offer plenty of other tax
breaks alongside affordable housing and transport. To give you an idea
of the more affordable options, here is an overview of the cheapest
places to live in Switzerland.  
10k >>  
3名無しさん@えむちゃん:2024/01/26(金) 23:17:39 ID:???
10k >> 消去されて いただきたい人のランキングで金賞
45& ◆MpQYa85tbE :2024/01/19(金) 20:18:40 ID:???
10k >>  
2”削除”:2024/01/15(月) 10:01:33 ID:???
10k >> 埼京線
57名無しさん@えむちゃん:2023/08/23(水) 09:16:24 ID:ffq/d3kU
10k >> 消去されて いただきたい人のランキングで金賞
44& ◆MpQYa85tbE :2023/08/10(木) 17:50:27 ID:???
10k >> 最強のたわし
18名無しさん@えむちゃん:2023/08/04(金) 07:30:34 ID:???
10k >> 勝手に都道府県でバトロワ
25名無しさん@えむちゃん:2023/07/20(木) 11:17:43 ID:???
( o^_^o) タシカニ
10k >>  
1掃除中:2023/07/20(木) 01:17:36 ID:hyvAq4nI
10k >>  
1掃除中:2023/07/20(木) 01:17:21 ID:hyvAq4nI
10k >>  
1掃除中:2023/07/20(木) 01:17:07 ID:hyvAq4nI
10k >>  
1掃除中:2023/07/20(木) 01:16:16 ID:hyvAq4nI
10k >>
1vps-e5238360.vps.ovh.net ◆5KoQhqcdJk :2023/07/19(水) 01:00:16 ID:bpskdy2+


m-ch script
10k >>
1vps-e5238360.vps.ovh.net ◆5KoQhqcdJk :2023/07/19(水) 00:56:46 ID:bpskdy2+


m-ch script
10k >>
1vps-865c1267.vps.ovh.net :2023/07/18(火) 21:03:34 ID:dJJ9aWV6


m-ch script
10k >>
1vps-e9644127.vps.ovh.ca:2023/07/18(火) 07:42:17 ID:HB1a7ARs

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 13; Pixel 6)
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10k >> んあいお
1うdadad ◆b4CVzE/U8k :2023/07/18(火) 04:21:38 ID:???

10k >> 今日はそれほど気分は悪くない
34名無しさん@えむちゃん:2023/06/05(月) 08:34:52 ID:JUcQhsco
10k >> m*=
7What is Kagen in Japanese?:2023/01/17(火) 07:03:27 ID:???

Kagen (嘉元) was a Japanese era name (年号,, nengō,, lit. "year name")
after Kengen and before Tokuji. This period spanned the years
from August 1303 through December 1306.
The reigning emperor was Go-Nijō-tennō (後二条天皇).
10k >> m*=
6名無しさん@えむちゃん:2022/11/29(火) 11:28:05 ID:???
10k >> 最強のたわし
17名無しさん@えむちゃん:2022/11/16(水) 23:43:48 ID:???
10k >> 前大統領の村山NoriShigeru容疑者(渋谷区、東京)(49)
5おしっこダシルバ ゚+。(*′∇`)。+゚:2022/10/24(月) 08:01:03 ID:???
おしっこダシルバ ゚+。(*′∇`)。+゚
10k >> 蟻力神(蚊力神) イーリーシン
9かせ:2022/10/15(土) 20:01:05 ID:3OsPo1TM
ی‌وک8ادو2 喉が痛い ی‌وک8ادو2 喉が痛い 
10k >> m*=
5ccアcc:2022/10/07(金) 21:11:58 ID:???
10k >> 共産とうこわいー0おーーーーーーー
10ダシルバおばさんん彡有名人かな& ◆IBtwQpEOIM :2022/09/15(木) 10:56:02 ID:???
10k >> 最強の格闘技は何だろう?
36名無しさん@えむちゃん:2022/07/30(土) 11:05:31 ID:???
もしも彼女が死刑囚だったら 寸劇 mp3 - نجومي
10k >> 柴田祐介元教諭は懲戒免職www
7Petr Velkov:2022/06/30(木) 21:34:40 ID:???
Skype: xrumer.pro
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
icq: 5688885   
10k >> 消去されて いただきたい人のランキングで金賞
43Petr Velkov:2022/06/30(木) 21:33:56 ID:???
Skype: xrumer.pro
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
icq: 5688885   
10k >> 蟻力神(蚊力神) イーリーシン
8Petr Velkov:2022/06/30(木) 21:33:27 ID:???
Skype: xrumer.pro
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
icq: 5688885   
10k >> 清水有高という異常な犯罪者
7Petr Velkov:2022/06/30(木) 21:33:19 ID:???
Skype: xrumer.pro
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
icq: 5688885   
10k >> 倜儻不羈
5Petr Velkov:2022/06/30(木) 21:33:07 ID:???
Skype: xrumer.pro
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
icq: 5688885   
10k >> 麻原彰晃
15Petr Velkov:2022/06/30(木) 21:32:59 ID:???
Skype: xrumer.pro
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
icq: 5688885   
10k >> 柴田祐介元教諭は懲戒免職www
10Petr Velkov:2022/06/30(木) 21:32:47 ID:???
Skype: xrumer.pro
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
icq: 5688885   
10k >> 最強の格闘技は何だろう?
35Petr Velkov:2022/06/30(木) 21:32:26 ID:???
Skype: xrumer.pro
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
icq: 5688885